In SBS 2008 we have centralized the location of log files, all log files will now be placed in C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs. From a server support perspective this is a big plus in simplifying troubleshooting as you will always know where the log file will be located. We have compiled a list of important logs and their associated wizards below.
C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs | |
Console.log | SBS Console Log |
CTIW.log | Logs events of the "Connect to the Internet" wizard |
DCPromo_yymmdd.xxxxxx.log | DCPromo that ran during SBS install |
DPCW.log | Logs events of the "Set up your Internet address" wizard |
ERRORLOG.TXT | Logs any errors that occurred during SBS setup |
ExtSchemaTask.log | Logs result of SBS AD schema additions |
FinishSetup.log | Logs the completion of the SBS 2008 install |
GPOTask.log | Logs the creation of the SBS Group Policy objects |
olsignupwiz.log | Logs events of the "Set up your Microsoft Office Live Small Business Web site" wizard |
pop3connectorinstall.log | Install log for the POP3 Connector |
SBSHook.log | Logs hooking of SBS install shell to Windows install and runonce modification |
SBSSetup.log | Logs all events that occurred during SBS setup |
adduser.log | Logs events of the "Add a new user account" wizard |
addgroup.log | Logs events of the "Add a new group" wizard |
CreateUserRole.log | Logs events of the "Add a new user role" wizard |
CopyConnectComputer.log | Logs events of the "Connect computers to your network" wizard |
SBCW.log | Logs events of the "Configure server backup" wizard |
fncw.log | Logs events of the "Fix My Network" wizard |
AddMultipleUsers.log | Logs events of the "Add multiple user accounts" wizard |
FaxRoleInstallation.log | Install log for Fax |
FaxCW.log | Logs events of the "Configure the fax service" wizard |
MoveData.log | Logs events of the "Move Exchange Server Data", "Move Windows SharePointServices Data", "Move User's Shared Data", "Move User's Redirected Documents Data", and "Move Windows Update Repository Data" wizards |
CIMW.log | Logs events of the "Configure a Smart Host for Internet e-mail" wizard |
TrustedCert.log | Logs events of the "Add a trusted certificate" wizard |
VPNCW.log | Logs events of the "Configure a virtual private network" wizard |
C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\MonitoringServiceLogs | |
Contains logs for SBS Monitoring and it's associated data collection tasks | |
C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\pop3connector | |
Pop3service.log | POP3 Connector log |
C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Logs\WebWorkplace | |
W3WP.log | IIS worker process log for RWW |
Please note that you will also find many event log (*.evt) files in the SBS log directory. These files are a snapshot of the event logs at the completion of the SBS install. These are kept for historical purposes and for trouble-shooting installs.
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